Reunions / Events



2024 Year group reunions - Kings birthday weekend


We are so looking forward to seeing those of you from Classes of 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014.

Your year group facilitator will have been in touch and filled you in on the weekends plans for your cohort (If not, please contact Bridg Mathewson and she will put you in contact with the right person.)


This years events include:

FRIDAY 31st May (Evening):

6:30-10pm A cocktail social gathering for all attendees and partners in the Rathkeale College dining hall ($25.00 pp paid on the night)


SATURDAY 1st June:

9.30am Chapel for absent friends

10am Morning tea for the girls at St Matthew's catered for by SMOGA, then school tours and group photos.

1pm Combined lunch at Rathkeale and tour of school grounds.


SATURDAY Evening: Individual year group functions.


Bridg will be contacting year group facilitators soon needing event numbers and food requirements, including partners, so hopefully you have a fair idea about which events you might be attending. It would be a good time to get travel arrangements and accommodation sorted now too as it is going to be one of our biggest reunions yet!


For any further information please get in touch with Bridget Mathewson:


Note: there has been a little confusion on how our Decade Reunions work so just as a reminder, with this year being 2024 our annual decade reunions include those whose 7th Form/Year 13 year group would have left school in a previous year ending with a "4".